Blockchain Narratives:

Privacy: The only MOAT provider for our lives

Cyber Security: Insurance for our digital lives, greatly ignored

(dark horse industry for jobs)

iCloud: Will commoditize cloud markets by decreasing the arbitrage between the prices (of VPS providers)

AD sense: So many products are building but users need to be onboarding. need a better onboarding mech

Insurance: Plan B in case any shit happens and shit always happens!

d AI/ML training: I feel public ai(chat gpt) models need to be open-sourced and hence can be trained using the incentivised mechanism borrowed from the crypto space (eventually fade off maybe)

DeSci: idk maybe won't be great in the long run

AIML for Scam Detection

Computational Privacy

Private Virtual Credit/Debit Cards: Crypto off-ramp


Universal wallets:

Real World Sectors

Carbon Credits: Government Support + ESG

Psychedelics !! : Can cure mental disorders and issues like depression etc also if Marijuana is legalized then the legalization of psychedelics is not that away. Also, it will put the power from the cartels to the pharma companies

Fusion: ig it will be easy to generate energy than to capture the sun’s energy at most minuscule for rn -